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I'm Jorge Romero

…They say I was born in Bogotá, Colombia in 1973; from a very young age I was taken to Venezuela where I showed passion and interest for illustration and drawing (…this I know for sure), taking superior studies of Communication; in an act of rebellion and based on my creativity skills, I decided to move on to the advertising path, as the fastest way to transmit my way to see the world beyond words, leading me to the graphic arts and creativity.

After completing higher education I created my own design studio, focusing on communication projects, graphic production, creativity and design for major brands and agencies, first in Venezuela and then in Spain, where I have lived since 2008 in cities such as Barcelona and Madrid.

While working on a communication project for a Pop Art gallery in Madrid during 2014, I reconnected with my previous sources of inspiration by interacting directly with the works of renowned icons of this movement such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Keith Haring among others, beginning a period of experimentation, which led me to take up the paintbrush again (or any element that was within my reach).

Is from that moment on, influenced by great classical masters such as Caravaggio or Francisco Goya and by some more contemporary artists such as Franz Kline, Richard Hambleton or Pierre Soulages, that I dedicate my artistic work to the treatment of light with a mostly monochromatic approach, translating color into light, shadow and intense contrasts; showing “the unseen”, where darkness becomes part of the image and what it hides, using chiaroscuro as a resource, beyond aesthetics and technique.

Take a look at my paintings, series or random drawings and feel free to make an enquire about any of them.

Contact / enquire

If you’re interested in some of my work, a comissioned portrait or simply wanna say hi, just give me a call or fill out this little form and I’ll get back to you as soon as I drop my brush!

You can also contact me directly through WhatsApp  or DM (and follow) to my Instagram account.   

If you’re interested in some of my work, a comissioned portrait or simply wanna say hi, just  → give me a call or fill out this little form →
and I’ll get back to you as soon as I drop my brush!

You can also contact me directly through → WhatsApp  or DM (and follow) to my → Instagram account. 


I work from my studio in Madrid to all over the world and beyond…

Agustín Querol 6 / Madrid – Spain
+34 634 62 79 80 /